Friday, May 4, 2012

National Poetry Month

I wanted to create a post to describe what the students did in April for poetry month.  In addition, I wanted to share my account for Poetry Month.  At this link, you can find several resources that can be used to write poetry.

First of all, let me say that I don't just teach poetry in the month of April, but this is when it receives the most attention.  I like to encourage reading and writing poetry throughout the year, which would be completed during their free choice reading and/or writer's workshop time.  I can usually hook a standoffish reader/writer with poetry because of the shorter nature of the reading/writing.

My daughter's birth stopped me from promoting the use of tech for the students' projects, but I wanted students to construct a poetry project using various ineractive websites.  I was thinking of creating blog posts, Glog O' Poems, poem podcasts (using Audioboo, Voicethread, Photo Story 3, or Audacity), Little Bird Tales with multiple poems, or create a Prezi for your poems.  Here is a teacher's requirements for a poetry Glogster.  I still recommend and encourage students start to interact with some of these web tools.  If anyone creates something using these web-tools, I might have to reward the students in some way. 

Student books were created in the classroom and required that each student complete the following requirements:
  • Write/publish at least 10 creative for the poetry book
  • Organize your book's content with a table of contents
  • Provide a book title, name, and illustrated cover
  • Write a summary or provide reviews on the back cover of your book
  • Create illustrations for each poem
  • Include poetry techniques learned in class (i.e. similes, metaphors, alliteration, hyperbole, repetiton, onomatopoeia, etc.)
  • Include several higher-level vocabulary words (aka "Wow Words")
The following picture is an example of a interesting type of poem called a Book Binding Poem, which uses the titles found on book bindings to write a poem.  Here is my example:

With the book titles, I was attempting to write...

Funny boy
21st Century Skills 
Into the Wild

So, even I am a poet and I hardly even know it.  Again, I wanted to share our project for National Poetry month.

Mr. Gibson
(AKA Hoosier Teacher)

P.S.  We won't have a Discovery Quest or April Book Report project due this month.

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